the law

The joint project of visual artist Jana Babincová and graphic designer and former conservatoire student – organ player Pavla Nešverová interconnects text, music and image in a monumental audiovisual installation. ZÁKON / The LAW is a complex composition. Its authors make use of paradoxical connection between coincidence and intuition on the one hand with a premeditated order whose principles they had outlined themselves. Similarly to an improvised music having its given rules (rhythm, key) that hold the variations of individual players together, so does the collaboration of Jana a Pavla have its determined laws, which form the ground for improvisation and intuition to be applied. The Law installation represents a creative game, which sets the rules to break them at the same time. A game whose output is an emotional transfer, a translation of the experience of a pipe organ played in an evangelic church into the contemporary musical morphology and industrial space, evoking a sensation that embarks on synesthesia.
