* 1977
jababa (at) email.cz
2002–2006, FaVU VUT Brno, Painting III., doc. MgA. Petr Kvicala (MgA.)
1997–2002, PdF UP Olomouc, art education – german language (Mgr.)
1992–1997, SHS, Velke Mezirici, tourism management
1997–2002, PdF UP Olomouc, art education – german language (Mgr.)
1992–1997, SHS, Velke Mezirici, tourism management
residencies and scholarships
2014, Project Unexpected, Volkshotel, Amsterdam,Netherlands
2010, Environmental Art Society Dannaz, Utrecht, Netherlands
2008, International Painting Workshop, Michalovce, Slovakia
2008, Projekt Bloom!, Brussels, Belgium
2007, Residency in Kuenstlerhaus Schafhof, Freising, Germany
2004, Universidad des Bellas Artes, Cuenca, Spain
2010, Environmental Art Society Dannaz, Utrecht, Netherlands
2008, International Painting Workshop, Michalovce, Slovakia
2008, Projekt Bloom!, Brussels, Belgium
2007, Residency in Kuenstlerhaus Schafhof, Freising, Germany
2004, Universidad des Bellas Artes, Cuenca, Spain
one-man exhibitions
2022, EUFONIE, AMB Gallery, Hradec Králové
2019, INTERWOVEN, Kabinet Chaos Gallery
2019, INEVITABLE REALITY,Sam83 Gallery
2018, TRINITAS, Kafara Gallery, Brno
2017, THE LAW, Kostka Gallery, Meetfactory, Prague (with Pavla Nešverova)
2017, GAMMATONE, The White Room, Pragovka, Prague (with Pavla Nešverova)
2015, MATERIAL GIRL, Gallery Dole, Ostrava
2015, THE SIXT WAVE, Makrac Gallery, Prague
2014, PROJECT UNEXPECTED, Volkshotel, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2014, MF SOUNDS, Meetfactory, Prague
2014, I AM TALKING TO YOU, INI Gallery Prostor, Prague
2013, JAZYK, INI Gallery Prostor, Prague
2013, BDB/WVW, INI Gallery Prostor, Prague
2012, BE IN 18, Berlínskej model, Prague
2012, DANCEFLOOR, Gallery AM 180, Prague
2012, SUCHY BOD, Berlínskej model, Prague
2009, PAINTINGS, Church gallery – Smichovske benefice, Prague
2009, HARD EDGE, Gallery in Muzeum Vyskov
2008, CODE IT!, Gallery Mladych, BKC, Brno
2007, FLOWER-POWER, Internet Gallery Perkof
2006, THE WORLD IS MINE…AND YOURS, Gallery Mestska knihovna, Vyskov
2006, THE BEST OF, Gallery T.I.C., Vyskov
2004, DECODE IT, Gallery Caesar, Olomouc
2003, JABA, MUTANT, Gallery Puda, Ceský Tesin (with Jaroslav Matula)
2002, V.I.P., MEMORY BOX, Horici dum, Olomouc (with Zuzana Rysankova)
2019, INTERWOVEN, Kabinet Chaos Gallery
2019, INEVITABLE REALITY,Sam83 Gallery
2018, TRINITAS, Kafara Gallery, Brno
2017, THE LAW, Kostka Gallery, Meetfactory, Prague (with Pavla Nešverova)
2017, GAMMATONE, The White Room, Pragovka, Prague (with Pavla Nešverova)
2015, MATERIAL GIRL, Gallery Dole, Ostrava
2015, THE SIXT WAVE, Makrac Gallery, Prague
2014, PROJECT UNEXPECTED, Volkshotel, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2014, MF SOUNDS, Meetfactory, Prague
2014, I AM TALKING TO YOU, INI Gallery Prostor, Prague
2013, JAZYK, INI Gallery Prostor, Prague
2013, BDB/WVW, INI Gallery Prostor, Prague
2012, BE IN 18, Berlínskej model, Prague
2012, DANCEFLOOR, Gallery AM 180, Prague
2012, SUCHY BOD, Berlínskej model, Prague
2009, PAINTINGS, Church gallery – Smichovske benefice, Prague
2009, HARD EDGE, Gallery in Muzeum Vyskov
2008, CODE IT!, Gallery Mladych, BKC, Brno
2007, FLOWER-POWER, Internet Gallery Perkof
2006, THE WORLD IS MINE…AND YOURS, Gallery Mestska knihovna, Vyskov
2006, THE BEST OF, Gallery T.I.C., Vyskov
2004, DECODE IT, Gallery Caesar, Olomouc
2003, JABA, MUTANT, Gallery Puda, Ceský Tesin (with Jaroslav Matula)
2002, V.I.P., MEMORY BOX, Horici dum, Olomouc (with Zuzana Rysankova)
group exhibitions
2023, Rhythm, Gallery U Bílého jednorožce, Klatovy
2022, Pole v množném čísle, Pragovka Gallery
2022, Mycelium, Gallery Gumárna Čáslav
2021, Kolben Open 8, Gammatone II, Pragovka Art District, Prague
2019, Konkrétní podzim, FOX Gallery, Hradec Králove
2019, Echofluxx Festival
2019, Flying Inn, Pragovka Art District
2018, Jdi se bodnout, Prague Pride festival
2017, Signal festival, Prague
2017, With Wings, Kolben Open, Prague
2016, Ornament, Gallery Villa Pellé, Prague
2015, Transcriptions, Galerie OGV, Jihlava
2015, The Ways May Differ, Gallery NTK, Prague
2015, Mapping of conciousness, Gallery Projektplus, Praha
2014, Zukunst, Chateau Gallery, Valtice
2014, Konkretni podzim, Gallery U privozu, Hradec Kralove
2014, Tutti Frutti festival, Bratislava, Slovakia
2014, REkonstrukce, Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem
2014, In The Beginnig There Was A Silence, Galerie města Plzně, Plzeň
2014, Art Prague, Galerie AM180, Kafkův dům, Praha
2013, 16 - 20 000 hz, Meetfactory, Prague
2013, Subway sounds, Gallery Myšina, Brno
2013, Blackville, Street For Art, visual social interaction, Praha
2013, Dancepainting workshop, Take Care Of Your Square, Praha
2013, 2 birds+, Divadlo Reduta, Brno
2013, Justart For Life, Hotel ICON, Prague
2012, Useful symbiosis, Owensboro Museum of fine art, USA
2012, Conterporary Czech Painting, Gallery NTK, Prague
2011, Leave a Message, Gallery Aula, Brno
2011, INI Gallery, Bubenská 1, Prague
2011, Ratolest Gallery at Cafe 99, Brno
2011, Galerie ve Hřbitovním kostele, Vyskov
2010, Environmental Art Society Dannaz, Utrecht, Netherlands
2008, Workshop Exhibition, Michalovce, Slovakia
2007, Students+, Divadlo Reduta, Brno
2007, Rucni Pila, Gallery Sypka, Valasske Mezirici
2007, Alle Neun, Gallery in Schafhof, Freising, Germany
2006, Ein Kessel Buntes, Gallery C2C, Prague
2006, Studio AM3, Gallery Gaudeamus, Ostrava
2006, The&, Exhibition of Graduates, FaVU VUT Brno
2006, The 15th Anniversary of PdF UP Olomouc Exhibition
2004, COLORMAKERS – Exhibition of Group, Monastery Plasy
2003, WORKSHOP, Gallery in Castle Valasske Mezirici
2003, PAINTING 3, Exhibition of Painting III., City Theatre Brno
2001, Painting Students of PdF UP Olomouc, Gallery Vypad
2022, Pole v množném čísle, Pragovka Gallery
2022, Mycelium, Gallery Gumárna Čáslav
2021, Kolben Open 8, Gammatone II, Pragovka Art District, Prague
2019, Konkrétní podzim, FOX Gallery, Hradec Králove
2019, Echofluxx Festival
2019, Flying Inn, Pragovka Art District
2018, Jdi se bodnout, Prague Pride festival
2017, Signal festival, Prague
2017, With Wings, Kolben Open, Prague
2016, Ornament, Gallery Villa Pellé, Prague
2015, Transcriptions, Galerie OGV, Jihlava
2015, The Ways May Differ, Gallery NTK, Prague
2015, Mapping of conciousness, Gallery Projektplus, Praha
2014, Zukunst, Chateau Gallery, Valtice
2014, Konkretni podzim, Gallery U privozu, Hradec Kralove
2014, Tutti Frutti festival, Bratislava, Slovakia
2014, REkonstrukce, Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem
2014, In The Beginnig There Was A Silence, Galerie města Plzně, Plzeň
2014, Art Prague, Galerie AM180, Kafkův dům, Praha
2013, 16 - 20 000 hz, Meetfactory, Prague
2013, Subway sounds, Gallery Myšina, Brno
2013, Blackville, Street For Art, visual social interaction, Praha
2013, Dancepainting workshop, Take Care Of Your Square, Praha
2013, 2 birds+, Divadlo Reduta, Brno
2013, Justart For Life, Hotel ICON, Prague
2012, Useful symbiosis, Owensboro Museum of fine art, USA
2012, Conterporary Czech Painting, Gallery NTK, Prague
2011, Leave a Message, Gallery Aula, Brno
2011, INI Gallery, Bubenská 1, Prague
2011, Ratolest Gallery at Cafe 99, Brno
2011, Galerie ve Hřbitovním kostele, Vyskov
2010, Environmental Art Society Dannaz, Utrecht, Netherlands
2008, Workshop Exhibition, Michalovce, Slovakia
2007, Students+, Divadlo Reduta, Brno
2007, Rucni Pila, Gallery Sypka, Valasske Mezirici
2007, Alle Neun, Gallery in Schafhof, Freising, Germany
2006, Ein Kessel Buntes, Gallery C2C, Prague
2006, Studio AM3, Gallery Gaudeamus, Ostrava
2006, The&, Exhibition of Graduates, FaVU VUT Brno
2006, The 15th Anniversary of PdF UP Olomouc Exhibition
2004, COLORMAKERS – Exhibition of Group, Monastery Plasy
2003, WORKSHOP, Gallery in Castle Valasske Mezirici
2003, PAINTING 3, Exhibition of Painting III., City Theatre Brno
2001, Painting Students of PdF UP Olomouc, Gallery Vypad
working experience and activities
2021-2023 Abstract, contemporary art course, Anglo-American University, Prague
2018-2020 SoundAndVision, contemporary art course, Anglo-American University, Prague
2017-2019, Creative Partnership, project involving artists in teaching
2016, Movement, contemporary art course, Anglo-American University, Prague
2014, TEDx, Speaker, Kroměříž
2013, Conception and teaching art workshops for the Student Art Academy
2008-2014, UMakArt project conception and coordination
2010-2016, Art workshops about interlace of visual and sound art, music and dance, DOX, Letní Letná, Vyšehrátky, KC Zahrada, INI Gallery and more
2010-2012, Charity activities for the Ratolest Gallery, Art For Life and CZEPA
2010-2011, Cooperation with architects Cigler and Marani in Prague and AtelieR in Olomouc
2009-2010, Educational programs, Centre for Contemporary Art DOX, Prague
2009-2010, Workshop leadership at KC Zahrada, Prague
2008-2009, External cooperation with education department of Muzeum Kampa, Prague
2004-2013, Language school Skrivanek, Vyskov, Prague
2018-2020 SoundAndVision, contemporary art course, Anglo-American University, Prague
2017-2019, Creative Partnership, project involving artists in teaching
2016, Movement, contemporary art course, Anglo-American University, Prague
2014, TEDx, Speaker, Kroměříž
2013, Conception and teaching art workshops for the Student Art Academy
2008-2014, UMakArt project conception and coordination
2010-2016, Art workshops about interlace of visual and sound art, music and dance, DOX, Letní Letná, Vyšehrátky, KC Zahrada, INI Gallery and more
2010-2012, Charity activities for the Ratolest Gallery, Art For Life and CZEPA
2010-2011, Cooperation with architects Cigler and Marani in Prague and AtelieR in Olomouc
2009-2010, Educational programs, Centre for Contemporary Art DOX, Prague
2009-2010, Workshop leadership at KC Zahrada, Prague
2008-2009, External cooperation with education department of Muzeum Kampa, Prague
2004-2013, Language school Skrivanek, Vyskov, Prague
collections and public spaces
Collection Marek
National Gallery
Jiří Valoch collection
Hotel NYX, Prague
VUT Brno
Hotel Bloom! Brussels, Belgium
University Hospital Olomouc
Private collections
National Gallery
Jiří Valoch collection
Hotel NYX, Prague
VUT Brno
Hotel Bloom! Brussels, Belgium
University Hospital Olomouc
Private collections